GUZEMAʼS FINE JEWELRY California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Statement

GUZEMA FINE JEWELRY is committed to cultivating a more transparent, sustainable, and compassionate jewelry industry. GUZEMA FINE JEWELRY is committed to taking actions to help safeguard against modern slavery in its operations and supply chain.


We evaluate the business operations and sourcing practices of Suppliers prior to engaging with them in an effort to better understand the risks of modern slavery in that Supplier’s operations. This evaluation includes an assessment of Supplier-provided data of their sourcing practices and business operations, as well as a review of other information available to and requested by GUZEMA FINE JEWELRY.

We set forth a risk-based approach to identifying risks of non-compliance with our standards, which include prohibitions against the use of modern slavery, as well as the management systems.


Our Suppliers undergo assessments that include the evaluation of modern slavery risks in their supply chain. Our Suppliers may be subject to in-person, announced assessments by GUZEMA FINE JEWELRY or announced third-party audits.


As a condition of doing business with us, suppliers certify that they will comply with all applicable laws governing employment, wages, working conditions, benefits, and safety, in addition to all applicable environmental laws and regulations.


All our employees are expected to abide by our conduct policy, which requires employees to act ethically and comply with all applicable laws. Any failure to comply with our conduct policy could lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. In the case of non-compliance with company standards regarding human trafficking and slavery, we reserve the right to terminate our business relationship with any non-complying supplier or contractor.


Our standards and policies are regularly communicated to employees, including during their onboarding orientation. Our employees with responsibility for supply chain management have significant experience in their positions and have conducted numerous inspections and site visits. All such employees are aware of issues concerning human trafficking and slavery and are required to comply with company standards and all applicable laws.

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